The objective of a digital economy is to have a better economy. Do you know that Digital Economy has been adopted by the G20 to achieve economic growth? Yes, it is true! Especially that Digital Economy has the potential to change your world to a better place, and create prosperity in your city, your country and around the world. But, even after the adoption of the Digital Economy, there is still a confusion on every on what Digital Economy is! Some of them say it is E-Government (click here), other say it is made to improve Internet Bandwidth, and some say it is about Artificial Intelligence. The reality check is that all these and others are very important tool modules but do not represent a required comprehensive definition of the Digital Economy. So, the question remains: What is Digital Economy?

A country’s economy is made of three pillars: Manufacturing, agriculture and services. So, if we want to digitize the economy, we need to digitize those pillars. And, to do that we have to follow those six steps

  1. Create Digital Catalog
  2. Optimize Matching
  3. Increase Conversion Ratio
  4. Secure Financing
  5. Secure Insurance
  6. Execute Logistics and Operations

But, how can we execute these steps? Simple! Our Multi-Dimensional Digital Economy Application System (MDDEAS) will facilitate achieving these steps. MDDEAS that consists of four dimensions: e-Commerce Platform, e-Finance Platform, e-Insurance Platform, and e-Logistics Platform, can create greater efficiency and real-time transparency to de-risk doing business. Which in return results in lower costs, easier access to finance and insurance as well as greater reach across markets.